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Our challenges - Decentral data
In 2021, a comprehensive digitalization strategy for Development was created and initiated. In the course of this, the digitalization of reporting used in the SAP landscape was also targeted.
As a first step in setting up reporting, the Development division of BUWOG Group GmbH decided to comprehensively link its Data Warehouse (DWH) with the Business Warehouse (BW) of SAP.
This link enables the creation of a comprehensive data model in SAP BW. The central bundling of all data in SAP BW forms the basis for the reporting generated in SAP Analytics Cloud.
In this way, reports are created in the blink of an eye, that are capable of cover the required and desired level of detail, either for board or employee level.
With the help of virtual SAP BW systemmodels, we have combined the different business perspectives into a common data model and made it available to all addressees in a common SAC reporting package.
The common data basis and automatic report generation have significantly increased the acceptance of the reporting by the customer.
Maciej Galica, Partner, Finatycs
Development of a scalable data model that can be used as a central data source for all stakeholders. This offers the advantage of a user-friendly frontend for asimple presentation of the standard monthly and quarterly reports for all addressees.
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Our Objective - Scalable data model
Althoughwe were already familiar with BUWOG Development's reporting data model, a change in technology is always a challenge.
The transition from Excel reporting to SAC reporting has been successful, and this progress enables an increased and more efficient transformation in the area of development reporting.
Rudolf Vasil, Partner, Finatycs
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Our Solution - Transformation to SAC reporting
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Our client - The housing association
BUWOG, which operates as a real estate developer in both Germany and Austria, has more than 70 years of experience in the residential real estate market. The three companies in total, which are managed under the BUWOG brand, are part of Vonovia SE, Europe's leading housing company. Together, they cover the entire value chain of the housing sector.
BUWOG Development has decided to proactively address the increasing requirements within the development reporting and prepare itself for the further growth of the development pipeline.
The use of SAP Analytics Cloud is part of our IT strategy. Our partners at Finatycs have provided the necessary understanding of our employee's requirements and the necessary expertise for SAP BW and SAC together with perfect service.